
How to make the Cisco VOIP settings for 1921 Router

As you can imagine, we are having some voice issues across the link and I need to get QoS set up between the two routers.

One of our techs has done this on an older router by defining ports using nbar and prioritizing that way.    I am not too knowledgable in Cisco routing and definately not in QoS, so please bear with me.

We ran the QoS wizard on the 1921 and got the following output:

Configuration commands for the router:
saved on Dec 9, 2011 2:53:44 PM
class-map match-any CCP-Transactional-1
class-map match-any CCP-Management-1
class-map match-any CCP-Routing-1
class-map match-any CCP-Signaling-1
class-map match-any CCP-Voice-1
policy-map CCP-QoS-Policy-1
 class CCP-Voice-1
  set dscp ef
  priority percent 50
 class CCP-Signaling-1
  set dscp cs3
  bandwidth percent 5
 class CCP-Routing-1
  set dscp cs6
  bandwidth percent 5
 class CCP-Management-1
  set dscp cs2
  bandwidth percent 5
 class CCP-Transactional-1
  set dscp af21
  bandwidth percent 5
 class class-default
interface Serial0/0/0
 ip nbar protocol-discovery
 service-policy output CCP-QoS-Policy-1

Now, I assume I need to modify this section "class-map match-any CCP-Voice-1
" to define the ports that are used by the Shoretel system to prioritize that traffic between the routers.  I have researched and cannot find anything as to how to tell the router to priorotize specific port traffic.

Does anyone know the correct commands or structure to type? Or am I completely wrong in how this should be done? If so, can anyone point me in the right direction?

The solution
In the Shoretel Director set the Diffserv value to 184 (under Call Control -> Options)
In the Cisco device.... configure EVERY port (for director + all phones + all trunks) to

interface x/x
qos trust dscp
mls qos trust dscp

Create access list to map Shoretel ports

access-list 100 remark Shoretel VoIP
access-list 100 permit udp any any eq 2427
access-list 100 permit udp any any eq 2727
access-list 100 permit udp any any range 5440 5446
access-list 101 remark Shoretel Director
access-list 101 permit udp host IP_ADDRESS_OF_DIRECTOR gt 1024 any gt 1024

Add the match statements to the Voice Priority Queue created by wizard

class-map match-any CCP-Voice-1
 match ip dscp ef
 match access-group 100
 match access-group 101

You might consider bumping up the priority percent - based on the amount of concurrent calls/codecs in use/bandwidth required.

SHOW the output of the service policy to confirm
show policy int x/x
Should see tagged packets increasing in the queue - and hopefully no drop ;>

Customers interested in purchasing Cisco router or the price, please refer to below links:

